You should decide if this is the best way to buy or sell your ring.

  • Auction houses take as much as 40% of the sales amount the product got sold for.
  • They are interested in hiking the price up as much as possible which includes the use of ghost bitters to do this.
  • They sell hundreds of different of products and as such have limited, in depth knowledge about championship rings themselves. Our collectors have seen many rings misrepresented at auction houses. Even when they were told about the misrepresentation, they did nothing about it.

Letters of authenticity.

One major collector says “these are not worth the paper they are written on”. Why? Here are examples of letters seen that mis-represent the ring in question:

  • It is written by “an independent expert” who in fact has very little knowledge on the ring. The letter typically starts with the disclaimer “in my opinion”. Anyone can have any opinion.
  • The letter is written by a player or a family member. Some of these are quite legitimate but we have also seen many where the ring is misrepresented in order to get the maximum price for the ring.